It is estimated that only one-third of all applicants for Social Security disability benefits are granted benefits when they first apply, the other two-thirds have their claim rejected for one reason or another. It is when your claim is denied that you should give serious thought to hiring a knowledgeable Social Security lawyer in Novi.
It is understandable that those dealing with a disability may be reluctant to bear the cost of a lawyer. This is not a concern, unlike other lawyers, Social Security disability lawyers do not charge any up-front fee; they collect their fee after they have been successful in winning benefits for their clients. This is how a contingency fee arrangement works:
The agreement:
If you hire a Social Security disability lawyer and he or she wins your case, their legal fee is paid by the Social Security Administration. You and your lawyer enter into a binding agreement that is presented to the SSA for their approval. Fee agreements must be based on contingency.
What is the legal fee?
Just as the SSA reserves the right to review the agreement between you and your lawyer; they also have fixed the maximum fee that can be charged. The maximum legal fee is either 25 percent of the back pay awarded or $6,000, whichever is the least. If you claim fails and you are not awarded any back pay, your lawyer will not be able to claim the agreed upon fee.
Disability back pay:
When you are approved for disability befits, the SSA determine the amount of back pay you are entitled to receive. If you are awarded benefits under SSDI, your back pay is dated from the date you were approved for benefits back to the date of onset of your disability, up to 12 months.
If during the course of your case, your Social Security lawyer in Novi had any “out-of-pocket” expenses that were made on your behalf, these expenses are to your account and are separate from your award.
If you have been denied Social Security disability benefits you have the right to hire a Social Security lawyer in Novi and appeal the decision. To discuss your case you are invited to contact website.