Making your site more user friendly can be very beneficial for your company. It can cause more viewers to visit your site as well as explore more. You can find a web designer that offers UX design in Chicago. UX design can help to make your site easier to navigate and understand for any viewer that enters your site. There are many factors of UX design that can improve your website.
Interactive Features
Some interactive features can be placing sharable links within your website. This will allow the reader to share a page or article from your website on their social media profile. This can help to reach a larger number of people at once. You can also add an option to chat with an online representative. This can show people that you care about them. It can also cut down on the response time that they may experience with other companies.
Portals and Tabs
You can include easy portals and tabs on your site to help online visitors as well. These portals and tabs can show them where they need to click to find what they need. Common tabs include about us, contact information, products, services, and blog. People can click on the about us tab if they would like to learn more about how your company was made. The contact information tab is extremely useful when someone would like to contact you regarding an issue.
Products and services help show people all the services you offer. This can be very helpful, especially if you offer services that aren’t common within your area of expertise. It can also show customers that you have more to offer than just the basics. On the blog tab, you can add articles and blogs that are relevant to your company. These can keep customers up to date on any information that is related to your company. For more information contact Clique Studios, LLC.