How to Prepare to Speak with a Bail Bonds Agent in Shelton, CT?

by | Jan 30, 2019 | Bail Bond

Whether the phone call happens in the middle of the night or during working hours, it’s always a shock to find out a family member has been arrested. If they’re asking for help, they may need someone to secure a bail bond for them. While the loved one might want to rush the process, they speak with a bail bonds agent in Shelton, CT about the bail.

Know Where the Arrested Person Is

Knowing which jail the arrested person is in may be crucial. Without this information, the bail bondsman may have trouble finding them in the system because it can take some time for the system to update. Knowing where they are and why they were arrested makes it easier for the bondsman to determine what the person’s bail is and to start the process for obtaining a bail bond.

Know How the Bond Will Be Secured

Bail bonds can be secured with a cash deposit or with collateral. The person obtaining the bond needs to make sure they know which option they’ll choose. They should consider this ahead of time so they can take the next step and make sure everything is ready before they leave home or work to meet with the bail bondsman and discuss obtaining a bond to help their loved one.

Have Money or Collateral Ready to Secure the Bond

Before speaking with a bondsman, they might want to make sure they have the money to pay at least 20% of the bail amount to secure it or the collateral, which’s worth more than the full bail amount. The bail bondsman will let them know exactly what they need to pay or make sure the collateral is sufficient to help the loved one get out of jail.

If you’d like to help a loved one who has been arrested, take the time to make sure you’re prepared before you speak with a bail bonds agent in Shelton, CT. If you need any help, they can help you. They’ll be able to explain all of the terms of the bond as well to ensure you understand what you agree to. Visit the website for Business Name. now to get help today.

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