How Your Warehouse Can Benefit From Automated Sorting Systems

by | May 26, 2023 | Manufacturer

As objects pass through a facility, sortation systems automatically recognize them and direct them to the proper zone. This allows distribution centers, warehouses, and production facilities to better regulate product flow, boost throughput, minimize cycle times, and lower sortation costs. Below are some of the ways in which your warehouse can benefit from automated sorting systems.

They Improve the Efficiency and Accuracy of Order Processing

Because sortation is essential in many aspects of the order fulfillment process (receiving, selecting, shipping, and packing), an automated sortation system may significantly improve your ability to complete orders swiftly and effectively.

Simply put, humans make errors. When human workers are in charge of sortation at various stages of the order fulfillment process, mistakes are unavoidable, costing your company time and money. By replacing the human element with an automated system, you eliminate part of the potential for inaccuracy in workflows, lowering waste and improving productivity, allowing your operations to become more efficient and accurate.

Return Management

Surprisingly, many businesses do not have an effective process for dealing with returns. If you send a significant number of items, you will undoubtedly receive returns and will want a method to properly accept, refill, or transfer inventory. Returns are handled automatically by automated sorting systems.

Unloading Capabilities

Automated sortation systems are commonly used to unload inbound containers, sort the inventory, and then prepare it for the next site or procedure. If inbound containers and shipments are slowing down your operation, a sortation system might be quite beneficial.

Conveyor & Automation Technologies, INC is a leading custom conveyor manufacturer. Contact Conveyor & Automation Technologies, INC to get started on developing an automated sorting system for your warehouse.

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