Resolving Vitamin D Deficiency and Osteopenia Prior to Scheduling Bunion Surgery

by | Nov 26, 2020 | Health

A podiatrist evaluating patients who are dealing with painful buni ons in Joliet may want to learn whether deficiency in vitamin D is a problem. This can be important before scheduling surgery since insufficient vitamin D levels in the body might delay bone healing.

Low Bone Mineral Density

Research indicates that about half of the U.S. population has insufficient levels of vitamin D. This can lead to inadequate absorption of calcium. That, in turn, can result in low bone mineral density. Medically known as osteopenia, low bone density is not considered a disease and is not as serious as osteoporosis. Nevertheless, it is still a risk factor for fractures.

Resolving the Problems

Before surgery to remove bunions in Joliet, a patient with osteopenia and low vitamin D may be expected to resolve these problems. Taking high-quality supplements boosts levels of that essential nutrient. The patient may be advised to take calcium supplements as well.

In addition, weight-bearing exercise builds bone density and strength. Taking daily walks may be all that’s necessary. Unfortunately, this may be difficult for people with painful bunions. A podiatrist can provide tips on how to minimize the pain so that long walks are possible. A course of physical therapy may be advisable to increase muscle strength in the foot and improve the function of the big toe, which is the bone where bunions develop.

Anyone having trouble with a painful bunion may contact Suburban Foot & Ankle Associates to schedule an appointment, using the information provided at our website.

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