Safe and Reliable Grain Bins in Oregon

by | Jun 27, 2014 | Business Services

When we think of hazards related to grain bins Oregon, one of the first things that pops into our minds is entrapment, and for good reason; it takes only ten seconds or less for a worker to become trapped by flowing grain and another 20 to be totally covered by grain. However, grain bins hazards are not merely limited to engulfment or entrapment. Some other very common hazardous situations include bin collapses, augers, fires, toxic atmospheres, explosions, or Power take-offs (PTO’s).

Being aware of, identifying and knowing how to stay protected from these hazards is of paramount importance, especially with so many work accidents that occur on a monthly basis all around the world. For starters, you need to be aware of how flowing grain acts. Entrapment is extremely common when working with grain. Similar to quicksand, the flowing grain from inside the grain bin has the ability to pull a 200-pound man down in a matter of seconds and completely bury him in grain in less than 60 seconds. If you are caught, it is imperative to ask for assistance. If you can reach the lever to stop the grinding process, that’s even better.

Another hazard is bin collapses. Augers utilize multiple sumps, the main one being located at the center of the bin and others near the walls. If the auxiliary sumps located near the walls are used to empty the grain bin instead of the main one, the bin is prone to collapse because of uneven loading. The consequences can be devastating, especially for workers who are in the vicinity.

Fires, explosions and a toxic atmosphere are another three hazards related to grain bins Oregon. As kernels or seeds are handled, grain dust can accumulate in floors or remain suspended in mid air. At a certain moment, this grain can easily ignite and explode, causing huge losses, both financial and human. In order to prevent these hazards, it is important to follow a dust and ignition control program. Lastly, a toxic atmosphere is something quite common because some people are allergic to grain. Grain dust can cause a wide variety of respiratory problems, serious injuries or even death.

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