There are hundreds of thousands of miles of pipelines traversing the United States. These pipes are buried as well as above ground and carry liquids and gases that are necessary to support industry and commerce. One of the major battles that the owners of the pipelines have is keeping the right-of-way free from unwanted vegetation. To ensure that that there is easy access to these facilities, ground maintenance services in Houston TX are often employed. These companies typically keep the right-of-way clear of trees and other vegetation that interferes with pipelines and pipeline management.
The objectives of maintaining a pipeline right-of way include:
* Ensure ease of access for pipeline inspection and maintenance
* Comply with existing rules and regulations
* Make it easy to survey the area from the air, and
* Provide areas for recreation and wild life habitats
Companies that provide grounds maintenance services in Houston TX employ various methods to manage and control unwanted vegetation along pipeline right-of-ways. These methods include mechanical and chemical controls.
Mechanical methods, which include chain saws, mowing, etc are ideal for the initial clearance but issues such as safety, the environment and economy often dictate the need for more aggressive control methods. This is when the maintenance service companies employ specialized spray equipment and chemicals where bare ground is required. Areas along the pipeline that must be kept clear at all times include right-of-way markers, meter sites, etc.
The importance of vegetation management:
Pipelines and power transmission are necessary for the delivery of vital products and services to industrial, commercial and residential consumers. Without effective control of vegetation along the right-of-ways safe and effective access to the sites and facilities would easily be compromised. Vegetation management also acts to mitigate the risk of fires and ensure timely access in the event of an emergency.
Right-of-way management is only one of the many grounds maintenance services in Houston TX offered by Coastal Spray. Coastal Spray offer tree services, spray programs, aquatic control, erosion control and landscaping services. Follow them on Facebook