The Steps Associated With Becoming a Real Estate Agent

by | Aug 24, 2018 | Online Business

Every single month, thousands of people visit Google to learn more about the process for becoming a real estate agent. From in-person classes to online real estate programs, a path exists for each person. This is no surprise, as real estate agents are capable of making tons of money once they are established in the field. Today we’ll explain the steps to become a real estate agent success story.


Each state has its requirements regarding how many hours of pre-licensing training you need before taking the licensing exam, but all states do require this education path. You’ll learn about real estate practices, principles, and important legal aspects of being an agent. You can take courses online or in-person, so decide which is the best option for you before signing up anywhere.

Licensing Exam

After you have completed your education, you’ll be required to take a licensing exam. Most states exams have two portions: one focused on federal laws and the other on state-specific regulations. The exam is typically multiple-choice with math questions. In many cases, you can find sample tests online to get ready. Some states have higher pass rates than others, so it isn’t unheard of to take the class more than once.

Next Steps

After you have completed your exam to become a real estate agent, you have a few more things you need to do. First, you will want to visit your state real estate commission’s website. This is where you will activate your shiny new license. This can cost anywhere from about $200 to $400. You’ll also want to get a membership to a listing service. This is how you determine market trends, tax information, and see listings for your area.

Everything Else

You may also wish to become a member of the National Association of Realtors, which makes you a licensed agent with a title people look for when searching for agents. If you wish to work at a brokerage, this is another option that is open to you and can provide the first steps to becoming a successful agent. Click here to know.

Real Estate Education

Those who are interested in online real estate programs should be sure to peruse the website for the Institute of Real Estate Education. We provide a comprehensive pre-license course, as well as a broker license course, and more. You can learn more by visiting us at

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