Tips to Finding a Good Therapist

by | Sep 2, 2015 | Business Services

Regardless of the type of therapy you are seeking, it is extremely important that you know where you can find the right therapist to fit your needs. From marriage counseling to severe depression, therapists have a wide-range of specialties and not all of them will be what you are looking for. Occasionally people are just looking for someone to talk to and receive feedback from. Whatever your reason for seeking out a therapist, it is important to know how to go about finding a good one.

Talk to Your Family Doctor

Nobody knows a professional quite like another professional. If you already have a trusting relationship with your family doctor discuss your concerns with him/her and ask if they can recommend someone that can help. Many doctors already have therapists, psychologists, and psychologists on hand who they already have formed a good relationship with. Stay away from the yellow pages and simply ask your doctor.

Talk to Your Friends

Not all friends are open to discussing their therapy sessions with you, but if you know of a friend who is already in therapy ask them if they would recommend their current therapist to someone. This would be a reliable way to get a referral and also quickly find someone that you can trust. You may not want to go to the same therapist as your brother or sister, as it may be awkward, but asking around can be very helpful otherwise.

Work Resources

While many people do not feel comfortable reaching out to their employers for assistance, the resources are typically available. Programs such as the Employee Assistance Program offer therapy sessions free of charge and can help you when you are in a bind. Sometimes there is a long waiting list to see a standard therapist and you may be in a rush. This is a good way to solve that problem.

On the Internet

The internet is one of the best places in which to find a reputable therapist. You can read patient reviews online and even check out their website. If this therapist has a lot of positive ratings from other patients and seems like they would be a good fit for you then give them a call. If it doesn’t work out the first time that’s okay. You can always try again and find someone that you feel that you can trust and have a long-term relationship with.

Some of the best relationship therapists in New York City are at Marriage Couples Counseling & Life Coaching in New York City. Click here for more information.

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