In hospitals, clinics, doctor and dentist offices and in research facilities where radiation is in use, having the right type of X ray lead shields in place to protect people and equipment will be critical.
While there are specific codes and standards used when designing these types of rooms, areas and even labs, there is still some leeway or customization possible based on the specifics of the project. In many older facilities, upgrading to ensure the X ray lead shields installed meet or exceed current standards, rather than past standards, will also be an important consideration.
Looking at the different options in X ray shielding material can be confusing and overwhelming for those not familiar with these products. Working with an experienced contractor as well as a top X ray shielding material manufacturer will be critical for the project to ensure the best material is selected and the job can be completed within the project budget.
Know the Equipment in Use
There are specific dose limits for exposure to X rays and radiation based on different equipment as well as the type of exposure. Deep and whole-body exposure allows a small radiation level allowable while exposure of the extremities only, typically controlled by the use of a radiation smock or clothing, allows for a higher safe level of exposure on an annual basis.
Knowing the amount of radiation exposure possible from the equipment in use as well as the type of exposure for the individual will be critical in selecting both wearable as well as structural types of X ray lead shields.
Once the material is selected, most areas will require that approval of the plans and materials. This is true for both new facility construction as well as for upgrades or renovations to existing labs and medical facilities.
By working with experienced lead shielding suppliers, this process can be streamlined, resulting in a successful evaluation and speedy approval of the project materials and design options.