Running a small business requires careful financial planning to keep your company growing and maintaining high profit levels. Unexpected expenses can occur, and some of these expenses can threaten the survival of your business. If you have employees, worker’s compensation insurance is required in the state of New Jersey to cover medical costs and liability if one of your workers is injured while on the job.
What Is Worker’s Compensation Insurance?
Workers compensation insurance is a form of insurance that was designed to provide funds to cover the cost of worker injuries and wage replacement while they are in recovery. The insurance helps to prevent large expenditures that might result when a worker, or a group of workers, need medical treatment as a result of injury while doing their jobs. Worker’s compensation insurance in NJ is mandatory and is paid for by the employer.
The Importance of Worker’s Compensation Insurance for Small Businesses
Without worker’s compensation insurance coverage, a company may be liable for the medical expenses of the employee, as well as for the employee’s wages while they were unable to work. The company might also be liable for loss of life or lasting physical disability. Worker’s compensation insurance covers these expenses, so that it does not put the company into financial jeopardy if an accident occurs.
If you understand the importance of worker’s compensation insurance for small businesses, you will ensure that your small business has the proper coverage to care for unexpected worker injuries.
Contact Capstone Insurance Services at their website for information and a quote for your worker’s compensation insurance in NJ.