Hiring A Construction Accident Attorney In Brooklyn, New York

by | Dec 9, 2014 | Law Services

The federal government wants to make work place laws stronger to prevent a growing number of injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that one in five worker deaths last year occurred in the construction industry. The leading causes of construction deaths are falls, being hit by an object, electrocution and caught-in-between. Surely, construction companies can make improvements to lower these statistics.

Falls are a major concern because workers have to work at high heights, sometimes on scaffolding and sometimes on ladders. There is even a problem with workers falling off of roofs. In addition, workers have a tendency to slip and fall. These accidents are caused by everything from falling tools to the ground not being level. Call The Law Offices of Elan Wurtzel if you need a Construction Accident Attorney in Brooklyn NY. Workers may be entitled to worker’s compensation and other damages. Sometimes, property owners and manufacturers of materials are liable for injuries. An experienced attorney gets to the bottom of who is at fault. Surprisingly, many deaths occur because of electrocution. That leads one to believe that the workers may not be trained electricians. Trained electricians know how to navigate around exposed wires and downed power lines. The same concern exists where leaking gas lines are concerned. They result in many fires and explosions each year. Gas lines are supposed to be capped when work is going on around them.

Accidents involving heavy equipment accounts for many injuries. It takes a lot of skill to operate bulldozers and cranes. Accidents occur when workers get hit or trapped by the equipment. In addition, jackhammers and nail guns also pose threats. Multi-level work sites accidents are particularly troubling. One of the top ten causes of injuries is workers being hit by falling equipment and debris. The statistics are a concern because most accidents can be prevented. Construction accidents often result in serious injuries and victims can be out of work for months. They cannot concentrate on getting better; they are worried about how their family will make it without income. Hiring a Construction Accident Attorney in Brooklyn NY is essential to make sure you get all the benefits and compensation you are entitled to. You can also check Facebook page for more information.

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