How Does an Audiologist in Wheaton Set Up a Patient’s Hearing Aids?

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Hearing Aids

Human society relies on at least the majority of its members being able to clearly communicate with one another in order to function. The ability to hear others’ opinions and vocalize thoughts is something that most people take for granted over the course of their lives. Over time, however, age-related hearing loss can make this seemingly simple task impossible. When tinnitus, hearing loss, or other issues begin to get in the way of communication, it’s time to see a doctor. Audiologists are doctors specializing in diagnosing and treating hearing and communication problems. They regularly treat a wide variety of congenital and degenerative disorders of the ear, but one of the most common reasons patients are referred to an Audiologist in Wheaton is to be evaluated and fitted for a hearing aid.

The process of fitting a hearing aid involves both medical testing and patient education. This process takes place over the course of several visits. During the first visit, patients are offered a demo of how hearing aids work, and taught how to use them. An audiologist in Wheaton will give recommendations on available products, and discuss pricing options with the patient. This is when a decision must be made as to what type of hearing aid the patient wants to use.

The second appointment requires less time, and involves the actual fitting of the chosen hearing aid. A specialist will use a computer program to help find the most accurate settings using speech mapping and individual customizing. He or she will also offer advice about hearing aid use, and caring for the device.

Finally, several appointments must be set over the course of the next month and a half. These half-hour appointments will be used to ensure that everything is working as intended, fine-tune the settings, and allow patients to address any questions or concerns that come up as they adjust to using the new device. Most audiologists recommend check-ups at least twice a year to ensure proper functioning. Have a new or previously existing hearing problem? Don’t suffer in isolation. Contact Hearing Specialists of Dupage to learn more about what medical help is available for age-related hearing loss.

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