Types of Common Plastic Surgery

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Surgeons & Clinics

Plastic surgery in Dallas is growing in popularity. With the advances in medical technology and treatments, plastic surgery has increased among both men and women.

There are many common types of plastic surgery.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the enhancement of women’s breast. Surgery is performed for several reasons such as to enlarge the breast, replace missing breast tissue, or correct non-symmetrical breasts.

There are two types of implants that can be used: Silicone and Saline. Both serve a specific purpose.

Most patients recover in about one to two weeks. After recovery, patients can return to their normal activities with additional healing time needed for high-impact activities.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery is referred to as blepharoplasty. It can be performed to help improve the vision in patients where the eyelid is obstructing the vision. Sagging skin can cause impaired vision and contribute to the appearance of aging.

Typically, ten days are required for recovering, and swelling will become less noticeable after a month.


Reshaping the nose is referred to as rhinoplasty or a nose job. Reshaping the nose helps to make the appearance of the nose more balanced and in line with the shape of the person’s facial features. In some cases, rhinoplasty is used to improve breathing when someone has a deviated septum. Insurance will typically pay for rhinoplasty when it is required to improve breathing.


Otoplasty is used to reshape the outer ear. This can be used to correct ear deformities or to improve the appearance of the ear.


A facelift has several different types. Patients can have a mid-facelift, a mini facelift, or a neck and lower lift. Patients can even combine different facelifts in one surgery.

People should do their research before deciding on plastic surgery and talk to your doctor about which plastic surgery in Dallas is best for you.

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