The facts are clear, small business owners must utilize web marketing strategies to stay competitive. The numbers are astounding when it comes to the number of consumers that are utilizing everything from their phones to their game systems to locate local small businesses that offer products and services. Professional small business web marketing can help your business to reach the millions of users that are searching for businesses online.
The Statistics
There are layers and layers of statistics that are available that point to the idea that professional small business web marketing is no longer an option, it is a necessity if you want your business to thrive and grow:
* 90% of internet users have searched for a product/service online within the last week
* 60% of internet searches wind up a sale
* 65% of smart phone users, use their phones to shop
* 85% of smart phone users, use their phones to find local business results
The statistics are endless when it comes to web based marketing. As a small business if you do not have your ducks in a row when it comes to web based marketing you are not only losing new business you can easily lose some of your old business as well.
Why Professional is Important?
As a small business owner, you likely have a full plate. It can be very difficult to find the hours in the day to manage it all on your own. Professional small business web marketing gives you professional results and more importantly gives you the freedom to focus on your core business responsibilities. Building a small business in this economy can be a challenge, getting the support that you need can help to reduce the risk of failure and increase your chances of growing your business! Webbased is the answer!