Learning the Various Colors and Types of Highway Marking

by | Apr 17, 2017 | Asphalt Contractor

Drivers who have years of experience behind the wheel rarely think twice about what different types of highway marking mean. They learned about the various markings long ago and follow the guides accordingly. Someone who is just starting out may understand the basics, but there likely are aspects that are still unknown. This person will learn the important factors while taking a driver’s education course or while practicing with parents or other adults.

Asphalt maintenance companies commonly offer highway marking services. The paint wears away over time due to friction from tires as well as from ultraviolet light and weather elements. Well-traveled roads need white and yellow lines painted on them for safety reasons. Not only do the lines show drivers where the lanes are, they also direct drivers as to when passing is acceptable. Arrows painted on the road indicate when drivers are supposed to use a particular lane to move forward or to turn onto a different street. In town, they indicate where pedestrians are supposed to cross the street, and they designate parking spaces.

White lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, whereas yellow lines indicate the separation between lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions. The lines, as painted by a contractor such as Highline Pavement Maintenance, can be broken or solid. Solid white lines inform drivers that they should not leave their own lane at this point. Solid yellow lines prohibit passing due to safety issues. Those markings usually are used on curves and for drivers traveling uphill, where visibility is very limited. There are times when passing there may seem safe, but police officers can ticket drivers who do so. Lines also may mark the shoulder of the road, an area where drivers are generally not supposed to pass or travel. It can be used as an emergency place to stop.

Why do some roads not have white or yellow lines? These are usually the roads less traveled. The government organizations responsible for paying for highway maintenance simply cannot afford to paint every single road in the region. They have to trust that drivers will be responsible in how they move along these lower-traffic asphalt pathways. You can also like them on Facebook for more information.

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