Are You an Unmarried Parent? Consult a Child Visitation Lawyer in Torrance CA

by | Jan 15, 2019 | Child Care

When children are born to unmarried mothers, fathers have no legal right to see them in the absence of a legal order. There’s no legal paternity presumption, as an unwed father isn’t automatically presumed to be biologically related to his child. Once paternity is established, however, an unwed father has the same rights as one who is married. Read on to learn how a Child Visitation Lawyer in Torrance CA can help parents achieve fair outcomes.

Factors to Consider During Custody and Visitation Negotiations

In these matters, the court considers what’s in the children’s best interests. Ideally, this means both parents will be involved in the children’s upbringing. The courts may also consider each parent’s financial status, their location, and their moral character.

Issues for Unwed Parents Who Live Together

Parents who cohabit outside of marriage may face obstacles that married couples don’t face. Issues such as paternity documentation, qualifying children for insurance and government benefits, and claiming the children on tax forms are just some of the issues unwed cohabiting parents must address.

When a Person is a Non-Legal Parent to a Partner’s Child

If a person fulfills the parental role for his or her partner’s children, they may not be able to make the most important decisions. Legal parents take priority in these cases, and adopting the child is the best way to be included.

Can Custodial Parents Get Child Support if They’re Unmarried?

The parent with custody is entitled to receive support whether or not they’re married. If the child is adopted by a stepparent, the biological mother or father loses their financial obligation.

When Unmarried Parents Live in Different States

If parents live in different locations, decisions on custody are still based on the child’s best interests. Most states follow the UCCJEA, or Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. Under the Act, the child’s home state has jurisdiction in custody matters. Consult a Child Visitation Lawyer in Torrance CA for legal guidance on interstate visitation and custody issues.

Consult an Attorney Today

Child custody and visitation matters are often more complex than they seem, and unmarried parents face unique challenges. To overcome those obstacles, it’s best to consult a family attorney. Click here to learn more or call Shook & Associates Inc to schedule an appointment.

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