With its wet, coastal climate, the Boston area receives well above the national average in rainfall. Though rain can be beneficial during the growing season, the region’s year round rainfall accumulation can also result in unwanted property damage. Excessive precipitation may lead to major problems for a home that has a faulty foundation. If not promptly addressed, a damp, leaky basement in Boston MA can lead to extensive and costly repairs.
Before repairs can be made, it’s vital to identify all areas where water is entering the home. Cracks in the wall are a typical passageway for rainwater to seep through. Over time, these cracks can deteriorate further, leading to additional water damage. A certified waterproofing specialist can assist homeowners by sealing pores and cracks in concrete for an effective, long-lasting repair.
Homes that have poor exterior drainage can result in water entering the basement around the cove joints. When flooding or puddles occur, the chance of mold and mildew greatly increase. The most effective fix for this problem is to have a French drain system installed. This type of drainage system can be implemented during any season and doesn’t require any alterations to the yard or landscaping surrounding a home. If additional drainage problems arise, a French drain system can be easily inspected from the interior, so leaks can be quickly repaired.
A damp, wet basement crawlspace can cause both structural problems and health issues for homeowners. These damp spaces attract mold and insects and may eventually cause the structure to rot away. A simple solution to this common problem is a product called Flexi-Seal. This durable, heavy-duty product eliminates water penetration and provides a protective barrier against ground vapors. Flexi-Seal can even be attached to floors and walked on without resulting in rips or tears.
Recognizing and repairing the causes of a Leaky Basement in Boston MA are essential for maintaining a home’s safety and property value. Minor basement leaks left unchecked can eventually result in serious damage and detract from a property’s appearance. While most homeowners don’t spend much time in their basement, water leaks can cause a host of health issues including congestion, asthma symptoms, sneezing, watery eyes and respiratory illnesses.