What to Look for When Choosing a Doggie Daycare in Bowie

by | Mar 9, 2016 | Veterinary

People who work long hours often feel bad about leaving their dogs alone for hours on end. One of the ways to ensure that the pet is in a safe environment and is not bored is to consider the option of a Doggie daycare in Bowie. Here are some of the qualities that the facility must offer in order to be the ideal place for the pet to spend time.

Around the Clock Service

Not everyone works during the day. Professionals in the medical field, law enforcement, and a number of other lines of work may put in twelve to fourteen-hour shifts at night. That can be a lonely time for a pet, even if the radio is left on. When considering a Doggie daycare in Bowie, find out if the facility is accessible around the clock. If so, that means the dog can receive attention from the attendants even if it happens to be midnight.

Room to Play

The best doggie daycare will have indoor and outdoor spaces designed to allow the pets to run and play as much as they want. When the weather is nice, they can be outside more. Should the weather be less than pleasant, then there is still plenty of room inside to play tug of war, run around, and even curl up for a nap.

Constant Supervision

Staff should be on hand to watch over the pets while they are at the daycare. This makes it easier to separate dogs that are not getting along, take swift action if a pet gets sick and, in general, ensure all the animals are cared for properly. That type of support will make the owner feel less guilty about having to leave the pet with someone else.

Handling Special Needs

Can the daycare staff accommodate special needs? For example, if the pet must have medication for a chronic condition, will they ensure the medication is administered on time? For older pets who need a special type of dog food, will they ensure it is on hand and provided to the pet every day?

For any pet owner who wants the best for the furry member of the family, visit website and find out more about the range of health and support services offered. There’s a good chance it will be the ideal way to ensure the pet has the best of everything.

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